(January 2011) In the Autumn 2002 issue of in the Historical Novel Society magazine, Solander, Sarah Johnson writes, "What sets Cecelia's work apart in the genre is not just her productivity but also her versatility; she has the unique ability to make most any historical period her own. [2] She records the often harsh details of life in the distant—or recent—past and her depiction of it involves considerable research. Her character-driven plots often are developed from the viewpoint of a male protagonist. While including plenty of action (her battle scenes are noteworthy for their bottom-up viewpoint and understated verisimilitude), her work focuses primarily on the life of the mind—whatever that might mean in a particular culture—and especially on politics, in the broadest sense. [ citation needed] In her medieval novels particularly, she makes her characters, including Huns and Mongols, speak in semi-colloquial English, apparently intended to give the reader the impression of listening in on a conversation in the speakers' own vernacular.


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Exercise 1 - Leap year You are given a year, determine if it's a leap year. A leap year is a year containing an extra day. It has 366 daysinstead of the normal 365 days. The extra day is added in February, which has 29 days instead of the normal 28 days. Leap years occur every 4 years. 2012 was a leap year and 2016 will also be a leap year. The above rule is valid except that every 100 years special rules apply. Years that are divisible by 100 are not leap years if they are not also divisible by 400. For example 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 was. Print Leap year! or Not a leap year! depending on the case. Hint: Use the remainder (%) operator to check for divisibility by 4. Don't forget to check the special case when year is divisible by 100. let year = 2014 if year% 4 == 0 { if year% 100 == 0 && year% 400! = 0 { print("Not a leap year! ")} else { print("Leap year! ")}} else { print(year, terminator: "-") print("Not a leap year! ")}

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