Es una descarga, en ocasiones luminosa, debida a la ionización del gas que rodea a un conductor en el cual existe un gradiente de potencial superior a un determinado valor. Aparece en tensiones altas: aproximadamente 30 kV/cm en el aire. En las líneas aéreas, puede aparecer en los conductores, herrajes, amortiguadores, aisladores, y en general en cualquier punto donde se supere el gradiente de potencial mínimo. Efecto Corona: El fenómeno de la luz violeta, ruido sibilante y producción de gas ozono en una línea aérea de transmisión. Origen Físico En presencia de un fuerte campo eléctrico externo, las moléculas que componen el aire tienden a ionizarse, es decir, a perder o ganar un electrón libre transformándose en cargas eléctricas no neutras. Luego, las partículas ionizadas y los electrones libres son repelidos o atraídos por el campo eléctrico según sea su polaridad. Cuando el campo eléctrico externo es alterno, entonces las moléculas ionizadas y los portadores libres se acercan y alejan de la fuente del campo eléctrico continuamente.

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James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing G. N orman L ippert B ased upon the c haracters and w orlds of J. K. R owling Then I have an ivory chair high to sit upon, Almost like my father's chair, which is an ivory throne; There I sit uplift and upright, there I sit alone. - Christina Rossetti CONTENTS Prologue 1. Shadow of Legends 2. Arrival of the Alma Alerons 3. The Ghost and the Intruder 4. The Progressive Element 5. The Book of Austramaddux 6. Harry's Midnight Meeting 7. Broken Loyalties 8. The Grotto Keep 9. The Debate Betrayal 10. Holiday at Grimmauld Place 11. The Three Relics 12. Visum-Ineptio 13. Revelation of the Robe 14. The Hall of the Elders' Crossing 15. The Muggle Spy 16. Disaster of the Merlin Staff 17. Night of the Returning 18. The Tower Assembly 19. Secrets Unveiled 20. Tale of the Traitor 21. The Gift of the Green Box Mr. Grey peeked around the corner and surveyed the corridor. It stretched off into dim infinity, dotted with floating globes of silvery light. Mr. Grey had been told that the globes were swampfire, encased in a timeloop charm so they were inextinguishable.

Synopses & Reviews This book presents an introduction to linear algebra and to some of its significant applications. It covers the essentials of linear algebra (including Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors) and shows how the computer is used for applications. Emphasizing the computational and geometrical aspects of the subject, this popular book covers the following topics comprehensively but not exhaustively: linear equations and matrices and their applications; determinants; vectors and linear transformations; real vector spaces; eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization; linear programming; and MATLAB for linear algebra. Its useful and comprehensive appendices make this an excellent desk reference for anyone involved in mathematics and computer applications. Table of Contents 1. Linear Equations and Matrices. Linear Systems. Matrices. Dot Product and Matrix Multiplication. Properties of Matrix Operations. Matrix Transformations. Solutions of Linear Systems of Equations. The Inverse of a Matrix.

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