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Explanation Indefinite Tense The three indefinite tenses, or simple tenses, describe an action but do not state whether the action is finished. Continuous Tense The three continuous tenses, incomplete tenses, or progressive tenses, describe an unfinished action. Perfect Tense The three complete tenses, or perfect tenses, describe a finished action. Perfect Continuous Tense To combine the complete tenses and the incomplete tenses, to describe an action which was in progress and then finished 7. There are twelve possible verb tenses. Verb Tenses Present Past Future Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Cont. Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Cont. Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Cont. 8. The Rules of Tenses: Here is a list of rules of these tenses: Simple Forms Progressive Perfect Present S+V I +s/es S+is/am/are+ V I+ing S+have/has+ V III (been) S+have/has+been + V I+ing Past S+V II S+was/were+ V I +ing S+had+V III (been) S+ had been + V I Future S+will/shall+V I S+will be+V I+ing S+will have+V III S+will have been+V I +ing 9.

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Bxd5 exd5 22. Nc3 limits White's advantage) 29. Neg5 f6 (not pleasant, but neither was 20…Bxf3+ 21. Nxf3 f6 22. Qf5! Rfe8 23. Qxh5) 21. Bxe6+ Kh8 22. Nxf7+ Rxf7 23. Qf5! (and not 23. Bxf7?? Bxf3+ 24. Kxf3 Rxc2 25. Rxc2 Ne5 and Black is better), the defense is reeling. There's no defense to White's kingside infiltration. The clocks stop after 23…Kg8 24. gxf7+ Kf8 25. Nh4!, and Brkic resigned faced 25…Ne5 26. Qxe5! Qxf7 (fxe5 27. Ng6 mate) 27. Qd6+ Qe7 28. Ng6+ Ke8 29. Qxe7 mate. We lamented the absence this July of the traditional World Open blowout in Philadelphia, but organizers have managed to stage a strong (though smaller) World Online Open this week, with many of the familiar masters and grandmasters taking part. U. S. GMs Jeffery Xiong and Sam Sevian shared first place in the 56-player event, a half-point ahead of a half-dozen pursuers. We'll have a full recap next week. Carlsen-Giri, Finals, Chessable Masters, July 2020 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 c5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. e4 Nxc3 7. bxc3 cxd4 8. cxd4 Bb4+ 9.

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