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The Southeast Asian Monastery resembles buildings in the Angkor Wat temple complex. The African Monastery is based on the Larabanga Mosque. The Indian Monastery is based on the Konark Sun Temple. In the HD Edition, the Mediterranean Monastery features architectural elements of both Gothic and Romanesque architecture, a combination commonly found in northern and central Italy. The Definitive Edition 's version has a more Early Renaissance style based on Santa Maria Novella in Florence. The Central Asian Monastery has the typical features of a mosque. It has a similar entrance to Timurid mosques such as Herat and Bibi-Khanym. Trivia [ edit | edit source] During development, the Monastery was at one time planned to be available from the Dark Age and to have more than one sprite, like other buildings. Besides the temple, it would also have evident housing and working areas for the Monks. In real life, both Islam and Zoroastrianism (the pre-Islamic Persian religion) condemn monasticism and have neither monks nor monasteries, at least in theory.

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Por otro lado, y como decía antes, dos auriculares con el mismo rango de frecuencias no tienen por qué sonar igual, ni parecido. Es aquí donde entra en juego uno de los elementos más importantes a la hora de evaluar unos auriculares: la curva o gráfica de frecuencias. ¿De qué se trata? Es una especificación que nos dice qué atenuaciones y realces se producen en todo el rango de frecuencias en el que trabaja ese auricular, así podemos ver si es muy flojo en graves, muy apagado, con poco cuerpo o si es muy brillante. Lo ideal, de nuevo, es que su respuesta sea lo más plana (cercana a cero) posible. Un ejemplo podría ser el siguiente: Imagen no disponible Como se puede ver, nos da una idea de cómo se comporta ese auricular en todo su espectro audible. Un saludo y espero haberte ayudado. Ola QUISIERA SABER QUE RESPUESTA DE FRECUENCIA ES MEJOR: 15 Hz - 25 kHz 20 Hz - 20 kHz Por lógica pura, la mejor respuesta es la que mas rango tiene, osea de 15Hz a 25khz, pero te va a dar igual ya que tu oído esta bastante mas limitado, tanto por arriba como por abajo.

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The Auryn, I think, is supposed to be a representative of that idea. I'm not sure exactly how - maybe in the form of reading a story and then drawing inspiration from it? So maybe Auryn is supposed to represent inspiration. Bastian, the main character, is just supposed to be a regular kid who happens to be particularly creative - the book makes it clear that he is unremarkable in every way, except that he is particularly gifted at coming up with story concepts on the spot. I think Atreyu is supposed to represent the idea of an author who basically puts all of themselves into a story - he receives Auryn (inspiration) from The Childlike Empress (an idea), and then writes his own story (this particular story in The Neverending Story). Gmork, the werewolf who chases Atreyu throughout the movie, is supposed to represent a different type of creativity: lies. (This one isn't just speculation on my part, he actually says it in the book. He is the visceral representation of a lie. ) The Nothing is a metaphor for human apathy, and not caring enough to tell or pass down stories anymore, which is destroying Fantastica (the place where all stories come from) and The Childlike Empress (creativity).

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