Home Documents First Periodical Test Programming Embed Size (px) DESCRIPTION First Periodical Test Programming using Visual Basic 6. 0 Text of First Periodical Test Programming FRANCISCO OSORIO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Technology and Livelihood Education ICT - III BASIC PROGRAMMING First Periodical Test Name: ________________________________________________________________ Score: Yr, /Sec. _______________________________________________________________ I. Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided. _____1. A logical procedure or set of steps to be followed to arrive at a solution to a problem. a. flowchart b. algorithm c. equations d. operator _____2. The looping mechanism in flowcharting. accumulator b. Counter c. iteration d. Programming _____3. The graphical representation of an algorithm. Algorithm c. Pseudo code d. none of these _____4. It means detecting, locating and correcting bugs. translation b. debugging c. Programming d. documentation _____5.

First periodical test in mapeh 6

Periodical Test with TOS for Grade 1, SY 2019-2020 In K-12 Basic Education Program students have quarterly assessments popularly known as... Periodical Test with TOS for Grade 1, SY 2019-2020 In K-12 Basic Education Program students have quarterly assessments popularly known as periodical test (others called it periodic test) which coincide with the grading periods – first quarter, second, third, fourth. We provided here our Compilation of First Periodical Test with Table of Specifications (TOS) for Grade 1-6. You can download it for free from the links below. Thanks to all authors whose names s\appear in each attachment. First Periodical Test with TOS for Grade 1, SY 2019-2020 Araling Panlipunan 1(1st Quarter) Mathematics 1 (1st Quarter) MTB 1 (1st Quarter)

The assessment in Grade 12 is conceived to accomplish several purposes such as to assess the achievement of the K to 12 standards and to serve as college entrance examination. Source: Department of Education (Deped)

... Published on Aug 3, 2010 For first periodical test 1. Coverage for Computer 6
To all Grade VI

  • Saint Joseph 2. Saint Ezekiel 3. Saint Nicholas 4. Saint Augustine
This is our coverage for our 1st periodical test, and also for our Quiz bee on Wednesday, on Thursday we'll have a quiz. Next week we'll have a Review, both HELE and Computer. Study hard!
Prepared by: Ms. Requiso
5. What is computer?
6. computer
Is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in it's own memory unit that can accept data, process data mathematically or logically and produced meaningful results called information.
7. Describe the following pictures?
8. What is Data?
Data – are raw facts or figures. They are made up letters, numbers and other symbols or special characters.
can be list of phone numbers
list of students names
a set of keywords jotted during a speech
9. Information
refers to data that have been processed into a form that is meaningful and useful.

First periodical test in science 3

The National Assessment System of K to 12 Education Program National assessment is a country-wide collection of information on what students know, understand, and perform. The result of national assessment can be used by individual students as a basis on where to proceed in the next step in the educational ladder or can be used by educators for making an informed decision about what to do next in the educational process. Before the implementation of the K to 12 education program, students took the National Achievement Test (NAT) which provided information to schools, divisions, regions, and the country as to the level of academic achievement of Filipino students in elementary (taken at Grade 6) and in high school (taken at Year 2) level. In the K to 12, national assessments will be conducted at the end of each level of schooling elementary, junior high school, and senior high school. Moreover, there will be summative assessment at the national level conducted at the end of Grade 3 to determine the impact of the use of mother tongue as medium of instruction.

A step-by-step instructions that tells or directs the computer what to do. a translation b. program _____6. It is the violation of the rule set by programming language used in a certain program. bugs b. error d. Syntax error _____7. These are values that do not change during the execution of the program. variable b. integer c. float d. constant _____8. An algorithm in English statements in an outline form. pseudo code b. flowchart c. menu d. program _____9. The set of rules to follow in a programming language. syntax b. Direction c. Formula d. code _____10. A person who designs a computer program. technician b. analyst c. engineer d. programmer _____11. The following are considered as object - oriented programming language, except: a. COBOL b. Visual Basic c. Java d. C++ _____12. A named area in the memory which holds temporary data. constant _____13. It can be a mouse click, a key press, a menu selection, or an internal Windows activity. float b. constant c. range d. event _____14. The process of giving instructions to the computer.

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Ultrasound: This safe and painless test uses sound waves to make images that show the baby's shape and position. It can be done early in the first trimester to date the pregnancy or during weeks 11–14 as part of the first trimester screening. Women with high-risk pregnancies might have multiple ultrasounds during their first trimester. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS): This test checks cells from the placenta to see if they have a chromosomal abnormality (such as Down syndrome). It can be done from weeks 10 to 13, and can tell for sure if a baby will be born with a specific chromosomal disorder. Cell-free DNA testing: This blood test checks for fetal DNA in the mother's blood. It's done to see whether the fetus is at risk for a chromosomal disorder, and can be done from 10 weeks on. It is not a diagnostic test. If the results are abnormal, another test must confirm or rule out the diagnosis. It's usually offered to pregnant women at higher risk because they're older or have had a baby with a chromosomal abnormality.

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