Our pressure test barrels can be shipped with the required pressure ports: Piezo or Piston Port. We can also supply the Pistons at an additional cost. Pricing starts at $340. 00 (shipping included), please let us know your requirements so that we can quote you pricing and lead times. Submit an inquiry Or, give us a call at (262) 628-8558 Or, send your inquiry by fax to: 262-628-8748. Other Products National Match Aperture Hood and Rack Assembly: M1 Garand & M1A / M14 Converts your M1 Garand from 1 minute elevation to ½ minute elevation by rotating the hood. Available in both. 0595" and. 0520" peep hole diameters. For accuracy reasons, this unit MUST be custom fit to your sight base by a gunsmith (included with our fitting and assembly. (Distributors, call for special quantity pricing. ) Price: $40. 00 Oversize Op Rod Guide: M1A / M14 Heavy Pattern This replaces the standard op-rod guide and is required for our heavy contour barrels to accommodate the larger diameter. (Included free of charge with our Heavy Pattern M1A barrels. )

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Frequently asked questions How will I receive the book? As soon as the transaction is processed, you'll receive the download link for the eBook via email. You will be able to download all three formats mentioned below, so you can use the one that suits you best. In which formats is the book available? ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English is available in electronic format (eBook) – in PDF, MOBI, and ePub. Basically, you will be able to read the book on a computer, Kindle, any smart phone (including iPhone, Android, and Windows phone), or any other device. Is there a printed version of the book? Currently, no, but we might publish a printed version later. In which language is the book published? Currently, in English only. We're considering translating ISO 27001 Risk Management to other languages, so please do let us know if you're interested. Need support with implementing ISO 27001? Visit 27001Academy to get specialized guidance, tools, training, books, professional expertise, and complete documentation for a successful ISO 27001 implementation.

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