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Description: Review Many people who write about horror literature maintain that mood is its most important element. Stephen King disagrees: "My deeply held conviction is that story must be paramount.... All other considerations are secondary--theme, mood, even characterization and language. " These fine stories, each written in what King calls "a burst of faith, happiness, and optimism, " prove his point. The theme, mood, characters, and language vary, but throughout, a sense of story reigns supreme. Nightmares & Dreamscapes contains 20 short tales--including several never before published--plus one telepla... ( more) Manufacturer: Viking Release date: 13 October 1993 ISBN-10: 0670851086 | ISBN-13: 9780670851089

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Posted on January 29, 2014 | smart and a babe. I realize we're less than a month in, but Kathleen Hale's debut novel No One Else Can Have You is the best novel I've read so far this year (and in the waning months of 2013). Set in a small Wisconsin town, No One Else Can Have You is the story of protagonist Kippy Bushman who—when local police prove woefully inept—works to find out who brutally murdered her best friend, Ruth. Using Ruth's diary, her own fierce determination and wit, and the help from a group of unlikely characters, Kippy faces some seriously harrowing and hilarious situations. That's correct: it's a funny murder mystery. I reached out to Kathleen about the book, and she was nice enough to answer some questions about the novel, and some other random and weird questions I had for her. Why did you decide to set the novel in Friendship, Wisconsin? Have you ever visited the town, and have you received any feedback from its residents since the book hit the shelves? I decided to set the book in Friendship because it's called Friendship and the book is about friendship, and because it looked really cool in all the Google Street View tours.

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