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  2. Lehninger principles of biochemistry 4th edition

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Lehninger principles of biochemistry 8th edition pdf

Solution: radioactive O Realities: gammaO from alcoholPhosphoryl n not phosphate Realities: betaTransfer a pyrophosphoryl Not pyrophosphate Realities: alfaTransfer an adenylyladenylylation 30. 532. 845. 619. 2 ATPADP + P+ AMP +P 63. 3ATPAMP + PPP+P 63. 3 65. 8 19. 2 inorganic pyrophosphotase 65. 8 65. 8>63. 3 Polymerization:Proteins and nucleic acids Energy requiredProcursor: nucleoside triphosphates WHERE ATP USED WHERE ATP USED ATP for Active Transport To transport ions from [low] to [high] Transportation Major ATP consumption Brain-kidney2/3 ATP consumed for Na+ and K+ Na-dependent phosphorylation of the NaK ATPase forces a change in the proteins conformationK-dependent dephosphorylation favors return to the original conformation. Each cycle in the transport process results in the conversion of ATPto ADP and Pi, (free-energy change)the electrogenic pumping of Na and K. Brain-kidney2/3 ATP consumed for Na and K WHERE ATP USED ATP for muscle contraction Reading assignment page 186 Transphosphorylation btwn nucleotides All dNTPsenergetically equal to ATP ATP is the primary high-energy phosphate compound produced by catabolism, in the processes of glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and, in photosynthetic cells, oxidative phosphorylation, and, in photosynthetic cells, photophosphorylation.

Thermodynamics: Energy not destroyed or created Energy not destroyed or created 2. Thermodynamics: Entropy increases G= H-T S Gibbs free energy:G Amount of energy Capable of doing work during rxn Capable of doing work during rxn Constant temperature Constant pressure Endergonic rxn: G is pozitive Exergonic rxn: G is negative (spont. ) G= H-T S Enthalpy: H Heat content of system~Total energy stored in the system~Total energy stored in the system # and kinds of chemical bonds reactant and product Exothermic rxn release heat so H (-) Hr>Hp Endothermic rxn recieve heat so H (+) G= H-T S Entropy: S Quantitative expression for the randomness or disorder in a disorder in a system. Complexity: entropy G= H-T S Entropy: S Quantitative expression for the randomness or disorder in a disorder in a system. Complexity: entropy G the change in Gibbs free energy of thereacting system H the change in enthalpy of the system. G= H-T S H the change in enthalpy of the system. T the absolute temperature, S the change in entropy of the system.

The other product, Pi, is also resonance oduct, Pi, is also resonance stabilized. Others: Thioesters Ester with a S instead of O Acetyl-CoA has a key role in the Acetyl-CoA has a key role in the metabolism. Standar free energy change is high Energy from ATP by P transfer Energy transfered by group, in some processes ATP directly hydrolyzed and released energy used for motion. Ex: muscles, G-prot. Classification of compound with P Two High-energy compounds any phosphorylated compound synthesized by coupling the synthesis to the breakdown of another phosphoryl-ated compound with a more negative free energy of hydrolysis.

5 M Mg++:1 mM So in biochemistry Go in biological systems: Go Standard transformed constands in bioch. rxn Go in biological systems: Go Go is constant Energy of producte of reactant Example This is for my mother. Actual energy change Depends on [product] & [reactant] Go: constant Everything andard except present concentration Mass-action ratio, Q Standard Free-Energy Additive A C; Go AB; Go B C; Go Go = Go + Go 1 2 total total 1 2 P+ ATP and Phosphoryl Group ATPADP + PATP AMP+P+P Released PresonanceOther productH+ATP hydrolysisfavorableATP hydrolysisfavorableWhy ATP stable at pH 7? high activation energy G of ATP(actual) Gp (G in intact cell) of ATP at different tissues far from Go, -30. 5 kJ/mol Between -50 to -65 kJ/mol. Other Phosphorylated Compounds Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) PEP to enol form of pyruvateketo form by tautomerization Other Phosphorylated Compounds From anhydride bond between carboxyl group and phosphoric acid. Other Phosphorylated Compounds Hydrolysis of phosphocreatine: Breakage of the P-N bond in phosphocreatine produces creatine, which is stabilized by formation of a resonance hybrid.

Lehninger principles of biochemistry 4th edition

D specialized electron carriers acceptor with higher electron affinity Flow electron & Biowork Electricity: a flow of electrons from batteryflow through wiresmotor =work electromotive force (emf) Electron flow in cellExergonicEmfBiological workProton increase protone-motive force ATP synthases liemfproton motive forceflagglar motion Question JUMBING TO THE MOON is more possible HOW MANY ENZYMES TAKE A ROLE IN ENERGY METABOLIM WHAT are THEIR RATE ENHANCEMENT VALUEs WHAT IS THE OVERALL RATE Think! WHAT IS THE OVERALL RATE ENHANCEMENT OF ONLY ONE STEP rxn CASCADE? MORE THAN THE 1000000000000000000xWORLD AGE Two half-reactions oxidation of ferrous ion by cupric ion reducing agent (reductant): Electron-donating molecule i

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  • Lehninger principles of biochemistry 4th edition pdf
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Y aquí amigos, es donde empieza esa montaña rusa de emociones, en donde por medio de flashbacks vamos averiguando el pasado de Jude, vamos leyendo su presente y como esto afecta su futuro, no quiero contarles mucho porque vale la pena ser maltratado emocionalmente por este libro, pero si les voy a decir que me mantuvo en las lágrimas y que frecuentemente pensaba, el mundo es tan cruel, odio a las personas, y es que aunque solo es un libro, es un libro realista, cruel y tajante pero realista. Y es que no puedo decirles que el libro esta basado en la amistad, el amor, y la búsqueda del bienestar personal, pero les estaría mintiendo y dándoles una expectativa alejada de lo que Tan poca vida es, el libro esta basado en el sufrimiento, en el dolor emocional y físico, en el vació de la rutina en lo más gris de la vida y hasta que punto se puede soportar, ya sé que suena bastante trágico, pero es lo que es, y eso es lo que lo hace tan único. Me voy a tomar un pequeño tiempo en hablar de Jude, el protagonista de esta historia, y en decir cual importante es su historia de vida, no diré nada acerca de esta pero si enfocaré en el hecho de que la salud mental es importante, igual o a veces hasta más que la salud física, y como a veces no se le da la importancia y el tratamiento debido, igual aquí me lo tomo bastante personal, pero es muy importante estar bien, y cuidarse.

Several enzymes then carry phosphoryl groups from ATP to the other nucleotides. Right (ATP/ADPhigh) Ping-Pong mechanism of nucleoside diphosphate kinase. High ADPproblem in muscles ATP muscle constraction Cell lowers [ADP] and acquires ATP similar enzyme, guanylate kinase, converts GMP to GDP at the expense of ATP. Phosphocreatine (PCr)ATP ATP production from PCr [Pcrmuscle]=30mM -- [ATPm]=~3mM[Pcrbrain, kidney, smooth_muscle]=5-10mM PCrenergy reservoir; extra ATP demantPCr for ATP (not catabolism)////demant slowerextra ATP to PCr to full reservoir Inorganic polyphosphate polyP accumulate in cells (vacuols in yeast)polyP accumulate in cells (vacuols in yeast)Role: a phophogen, a P reserviorPPenergy source for active transport of H+ in plantsPPphosphoryl donor in microbes and animals Simplify Biochemical reactions 3. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Energy transfer Phosphoryl group transfer Electron transfer (oxidation-reduction) Nonphotosynthetic organisms: Nonphotosynthetic organisms: reduced compoundssource Photosynthetic organisms: Excited ones by lightsource How flow of electroncomplex AB.

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