The fundamental world of film noir is one that mirrors many of Woolrich's stories: characters inhabit a world in which their confidence that they can control their own destiny is invariably ripped apart by often mysterious forces of fate. While the moral universe of his stories are consistent with that of film noir, his characters are usually closer to the world of Hitchcock. They are usually innocent men unjustly accused or suspect of criminal activity who must spend the bulk of the narrative trying to clear their name. And, indeed, Woolrich's most famous short story is "It Had to be Murder" because that story was adapted the film Rear Window by none other than Alfred Hitchcock himself. The best film adaptation of Woolrich is the relatively low-budget and cult favorite noir classic Phantom Lady. It is the story of a man wrongly convicted of a murder who must depend upon a female business associated to prove he wasn't the person responsible for the murder of his wife and time is quickly running out as his appointment with the executioner draws near.

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Este fue lejos el peor libro que he leído en el año. Un asco de libro y en general la serie en si es Mala, pero la leí hace años y no quería que me faltará algún libro por leer así que fui por ello. Nada que decir, yo solita me metí en esto. Es como una estafa no? Creo que La felpudo (Jud, así la bautise a medida que leía el libro) describe a La perra zimmerman (Se me hizo inevitable nombrarlos por cosas feas) como alguien totalmente diferente a como Me..

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