2. 02 2007-04-20 Removed two background questions from background and StandardSheet, and expanded boxes for Appearance and Personality; added quotation to TextSheet, BBCodeSheet, and WikiSheet. 2. 01 2007-04-18 Made sheet references absolute; added WikiSheet; made minor modifications to TextSheet and BBCodeSheet. 2. 00 2007-04-16 Added "last updated" field to Background and back of StandardSheet; corrected cost of "Dyn Alt Power" when it is the first Alternate Power in an Array; added blank rows for powers, feats, flaws, extras, etc. for custom content; added BBCode sheet; redesigned AltFormSheet; added calculation for Powers whose Flaws exceed their base cost; sorted Feats chart; added Sense Types to Powers tab; made several minor formatting changes. 1. 09 2007-03-09 Added "Technological" origin. 1. 08 2007-02-27 Rounded up Equipment cost; corrected some capitalization; modified TextSheet; added warnings to trade-off values; double checked Carrying Capacity calculations for Super-Strength; expanded Boost, Drain, Transfer, and Transform powers; attractively rounded large Carrying Capacity values; added HAS_XXX to feats and powers.

Mutants and masterminds character sheet 2nd edition grade

13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1. 0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THIS LICENSE IS MADE BY WIZARDS OF THE COAST! OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1. 0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1.

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Mutants and masterminds character sheet 2nd edition online

07 2008-07-27 Added Condition List for output to StandardSheet, modified for Simplified Combat; added Simplified Combat options to MiniSheets 2. 06 2008-07-25 Modified StandardSheet for Simplified Combat 2. 05 2008-07-06 Changed StandardSheet "Bruised" and "Injured" to "Bruises" and "Injuries; added MiniSheet2 with a wider Powers column; added alternate spellings for Super-Strength; added "Use Simple Combat" setting on Background tab; redesigned MiniSheets and WoundTrackerSheet 2. 04 2007-05-15 Added "Treat drawbacks as" option; made StandardSheet automatically detect if Drawbacks are treated as Complications; added Space Travel to movement tab and StandardSheet; made movement values work up to progression level 25 (and beyond, but the values cap at 25); improved how movement override values are displayed. 2. 03 2007-05-05 Fixed quotation links; added "bought as power" to feats sheet; rearranged Combat section of abilities tab to improve clarity; fixed error in skill cost calculation; added Enhanced [Ability] to skill ability bonuses; added additional modifiers for Weakness Drawbacks.

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  • Community Forums: Mutants and Masterminds 2nd edition sheets | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
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Welcome to the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition Fan Wiki [ edit | edit source] This wiki is a tribute to the amazing Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition RPG from the brilliant minds at Green Ronin. All content is added in good faith to the best of contributors' abilities to understand and comply with the OGL and without any ill intent of violating anyone's property (so please don't sue us - we love your games). :) Changes from Product Identity [ edit | edit source] Since we respect people's copyrights around here, we won't be using terms they marked as Product Identity. So characters are built using "MP" or " Meta Points" (representing that the points are used to put together effects, powers, characters, and more). Also, Heroes start off every adventure with at least one Action Point. Table of Contents [ edit | edit source] Hero Creation [ edit | edit source] Characters [ edit | edit source] Meta Points [ edit | edit source] Character Archetypes [ edit | edit source] Skills [ edit | edit source] Feats [ edit | edit source] Equipment, Devices, Goods, and Services [ edit | edit source] Effects & Powers [ edit | edit source] OPEN GAME LICENSE [ edit | edit source] THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED FOR GENERAL USE.

Information Browse 2 Images » wrong image? Primary Name Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition RPG Family Earth-Prime Mutants & Masterminds RPG System Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition Rules RPG Mechanic Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc) Dice (Primarily d20) Point Based (allocate points to get skills, powers, etc) Progression Tree (Skills, professions, magic abilities, etc. ) Show More » Honors 2006 ENnie for Best Game - Gold Winner Alternate Names M&M M&M 2e Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition Fans: 31 Become a Fan Corrections Clone Customize View Subscribe RSS Feed Record a Play ObjectID: 232 Description Edit | History The second edition rules of Green Ronin's superhero game. The True20 system has its origins in Mutants and Masterminds (2nd edition. ) Visible similarities include the use of a single d20 and the save system for damage. However, True20 is not a point based system so dramatic differences exist in the character creation and the characters that result. More Information This page does not exist.

You can edit this page to create it. Linked Items Relationship: Sort: Category: Genre: Pg. 1 of 20 » 20 13 Shades of Darkness 2. 0 Rank 0 Num Ratings Average Rating 0. 00 Num Owned Prev. Owned For Trade Want in Trade Wishlist Comments Year Published 2006 The 6th Seal 1 8. 00 5 2007 Adepts of the Arcane 5. 00 8 Adventures into Darkness (M&M Superlink) 3 2 2008 Agents of Freedom 4 5. 75 44 The Algernon Files 2. 0 (M&M 2nd Edition) Another 13 Shades of Darkness 7. 00 Apollo Character Sheet 2005 Archetype Archive 0 6 Archetype Archive 1 13 Updating... Images {{}} | [ Browse »] [ Upload »] Gallery: « Pg. {{}} No images found {{title}} [ Browse] [ Add Video »] Language: No videos found {{mrecommend}} {{nguage}} {{ername|truncate:"10"}} {{mcomments}} {{bdomainname}}: [ Edit Front Page {{subdomain}}] [] [ Forums »] [ Post »] [ Search »] No threads found {{bject}} Last Post {{stpostdate|truncate:"10"}} Posted {{date|truncate:"10"}} {{|truncate:"10"}} {{mposts-1}} No posts found {{mpositive}} by GeekLists [ Summary »] No lists found {{mitems}} {{streplydate|truncate:"10"}} {{date|truncate:"10"}} Web Links [ Add Link »] No Web Links Found Link {{cat}} {{lang}} [ Dead Link? ]

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