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* Patient describes or demonstrates required competencies. * Patient identifies appropriate resources. Ongoing Assessment * Assess prior efforts to follow regimen. * Assess for related factors that may negatively affect success with following regimen. Knowledge of causative factors provides direction for subsequent intervention. This may range from financial constraints to physical limitations. * Assess patient's individual perceptions of his or her health problems. According to the Health Belief Model, patient's perceived susceptibility to and perceived seriousness and threat of disease affect his or her compliance with the program. In addition, factors such as cultural phenomena and heritage can affect how people view their health. * Assess patient's confidence in his or her ability to perform desired behavior. According to the self-efficacy theory, positive conviction that one can successfully execute a behavior is correlated with performance and successful outcome. * Assess patient's ability to learn or remember the desired health-related activity.

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Két/kettő. Again, you should use két before something (e. g. két dollár), but you have to note something. Kettő is more formal, but you can use két in daily speech. The problem with két is only that it sounds similar to hét (seven). So, it is better to use kettő when talking about money! Yes-no questions [ edit] Yes-no questions are formed exactly like normal statements in declarative mode (you may call them declarative questions), but -- and this is crucial-- they have a different intonation. Pitch starts lower and rises towards the end, ending with a sharp drop in tone on the final syllable. Józsi elment a boltba. Joe went to the shop. / Joe has gone to the shop. Józsi elment a boltba? Did Joe go to the shop? / Has Joe gone to the shop? listen ( help · info) In the above example, the stress is on Józsi. Joe went. Was it Joe (or someone else) who went? However, if I am not wondering about who, but instead want to know whether he went or not, I will ask: Elment Józsi a boltba? listen ( help · info) General subject: ember [ edit] ember human, person emberek people Az ember nem bízhat meg senkiben.

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1- FICHA DIALOGO SEGURIDAD - ESPACIOS CONFINADOS ¿QUÉ ES? Material informativo para la prevención de accidentes de trabajo. Esta serie de fichas ha sido desarrollada especialmente como un apoyo para la generación de diálogos de seguridad al interior de las empresas afiliadas. ¿QUIÉN LO USA? Supervisores, Experto en Prevención de la Empresa y Comités Paritarios de Higiene y Seguridad (CPHS). ¿CÓMO USARLO? En programas de capacitación y entrenamiento y/o en la realización de charlas de 5 minutos a trabajadores. 2- MATERIAL BOLSILLO - ESPACIOS CONFINADOS ¿QUÉ ES? Material que entrega recomendaciones específicas para los trabajadores en faena y/o terreno. ¿QUIÉN LO USA? Trabajadores. ¿CÓMO USARLO? Capacitación y difusión en terreno para informar de principales medidas preventivas. 3- ALERTA FATAL– ALCANTARILLADO ¿QUÉ ES? Material preventivo que describe un accidente grave o fatal entregando lecciones para la empresa, comités paritarios y trabajadores. ¿QUIÉN LO USA? Jefes, Supervisores, Experto en Prevención de la Empresa, Comités Paritarios de Higiene y Seguridad (CPHS) y Trabajadores.

Oraciones usando "que" [ editar] La conjunción "que" se traduce como sa: merin sa haryalyë alassë "quiero que estés feliz (lit. "quiero que tengas felicidad")" istan sa ëalyë sinomë "sé que estás aquí" En el siguiente ejemplo sa ëalyë sinomë es el sujeto de la oración: ná manë sa ëalyë sinomë "es bueno que estés aquí" La conjunción sa puede aparecer en una oración con equë (ver Quenya/Verbos especiales): equë Elendil sa tulles "Elendil dijo que vino" >> Quenya >> Quenya/Sintaxis

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