Analizando la interacción de los Anunnaki con el ser humano descubrimos como, desde siempre, hemos estado controlados por ellos, para ser sometidos a sus decretos a través de guerras, religiones, y naciones para mantenernos divididos. Por otra parte, el arte de tapa y contratapa fue realizado por Arkantos Khan, director y fundador de Mystery Planet, quién colaboró con esta parte del libro y seguirá colaborando activamente a través de su sitio con la difusión de la obra de su colega español, la cual considera "una síntesis perfecta y didáctica de los orígenes de nuestra especie y la verdadera naturaleza de los dioses de antaño". Los invitamos entonces a ver una preview del libro y adquirirlo por un módico precio a través del siguiente enlace: Preview y compra del libro "Los Anunnaki: Creadores de la Humanidad" Publicado el 6 de julio de 2012 19 comentarios Etiquetas: anunaki, anunnaki, anunnakis, arkantos khan, david parcerisa, libro, libros, mystery planet, sitchin, sumer, sumeria ¿Te gustó lo que acabas de leer?

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Топик на немецком языке с переводом «Essgewohnheiten in Deutschland — Пищевые привычки в Германии» Перевод этого текста на русский язык смотрите здесь Jedes Volk hat seine Essgewohnheiten und seine Nationalgerichte. Wussten Sie, dass die Deutschen meist 3 bis 5 Mahlzeiten einnehmen? Der Deutsche frühstückt zu Hause vor Arbeits- oder Schulbeginn. Viele essen Brot mit Butter und Honig, Konfitüre, Gelee oder Marmelade. Manche essen zum Frühstück auch Käse (Schnittkäse, Schmelzkäse) und Wurst. In vielen Familien gibt es Brötchen oder Toastbrot am Wochenende. Und natürlich darf der Kaffee nicht fehlen. Eine oder zwei Tassen genießt man zum Frühstück, die einen schwarz (ohne Zucker und Mich), die anderen mit Süßstoff und wieder andere mit Zucker und Kondensmilch. Die Kinder trinken Milch, Kakaogetränke, verschiedene Teesorten, Malzkaffee oder Saft. Das zweite Frühstück ist für viele Deutsche eine wichtige Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Kinder in der Schule bringen von zu Hause belegte Brote mit, eine Banane, einen Apfel, eine Apfelsine oder Möhre.

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Cam Montgomery is a single, full-time dad who knows his priorities; his kids, his job, his team, his business. Dealing with his disaster of an ex-wife is bad enough, not to mention delinquent football players and a meddlesome mother. Cam doesn't have the luxury of time for anything more, especially a relationship. Even if it is Paige Carpino. She's smart and sweet, but at every turn, knocks him on his ass with the unexpected. That's figuratively speaking of course. Paige might come in a small package, but she makes up for it in spirit. An energetic spit-fire who has some heat to her sauce, she's dedicated to her new business, her family, and a select group of friends. She's never put herself out there, but then again, there's never been anyone worthy of putting herself out there for. Until one day in a burger joint, an asshole practically enters her into a wet t-shirt contest with his drink. Who knew a disaster like that could be the beginning of your life? Or more importantly, that this asshole would become your reason for being.

As saladas são preparações escolhidas especialmente no verão. Mas como todas as saladas não são iguais, é interessante conhecer como é o cálculo de calorias, especialmente se estiver à procura da perda de peso. Existe uma grande variedade de saladas, pode prepará-las com cereais integrais, diferentes tipos de vegetais, ovo, frango ou peru, legumes, sementes, peixe e queijo, sem esquecer o condimento que use para condimentar estas saladas. Como pode ver, o cálculo das calorias varia conforme ao modo de preparar as saladas. Para poder ter em conta quantas calorias tem, deve conhecer quantas calorias aportam os alimentos que a compõe. Se usar 1 chávena de vegetais frescos cortados como alface, cebola, rúcula, espinafre, couve, pepino, couve-flor, cogumelos, repolho verde, alcachofra, aipo, cenoura ralada, tomate ou palmitos; estará aportando em promedio 40 calorias por vegetal. Quer dizer que, se preparar uma salada de 1 chávena de alface, 1 chávena de tomate, 1 chávena de palmitos e 1 chávena de rúcula está a consumir ao redor de 120 calorias, sem o acrescentado de temperos nem condimentos.

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Dr. Richard Malouf, founder of All Smiles Dental Centers in Texas, has made the news a lot over the last two years. Much of which has involved charges of Medicaid Fraud, indications of bribery, and his infamous home water park in an affluent neighborhood of Dallas and 2 private jets. Last week, (January 31, 2014) Dr. Malouf was back in court, this time in front of the bankruptcy judge. Under an earlier Agreed Order (Doc 637) Malouf agreed to abandon the property to the state, with the "provision that a neutral third party" would serve as Special Master of the bankruptcy estate. Apparently Malouf was more concerned about the proper functioning of his waterpark than what incriminating evidence might be on the computer servers he happily "abandon" to the state of Texas. He recently tried to block the State of Texas access, but in an Order issued January 31, 2014 (Doc 762) a judge "clarified" the previous Agreed Order telling Malouf, tough titty. Ok, so the judge didn't say exactly that but did say: "To avoid further doubt, the Court further clarified that the property was abandoned with this Court's approval to The State Of Texas and simply appointed the Special Master to provide fair access and control, but not as owner of the property. "

Sinopsis Un joven judío norteamericano (Wood) se lanza a la búsqueda de la mujer que aparece en una fotografía junto a su abuelo, en un pequeño pueblo de su Ucrania natal… Título original Everything is Illuminated Calificación de TMDb 7. 4 257 votos

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