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Understand your sales win ratio: Using past sales, apply how many prospects you would need to achieve the number of customers required. If you do not have that number, a reasonable "win rate" is approximately 1 in 5 (20%). This will give you the number of prospects you will need to acquire. Note: When you create goals you are making assumptions about such items as your win rate or average sale. These could be inaccurate, but it is important to be consistent and explicit about your assumptions. The process of defining goals for your organization will evolve and improve with every release. Example: Company ABC has significant revenue goals for this year. They expect to bring in $500, 000 in revenue for their first year in business. They intend to have two releases, and predict that approximately 50% of the expected revenue will come from this particular release. Here is how they calculated the number of prospects they need. Goal Value Calculation Yearly revenue goal $500, 000 Based on financial projections Launch revenue goal $250, 000 Yearly revenue / number of expected releases Average customer sale $50, 000 Taken from sales model Number of customers required 5 Launch revenue / average customer sale Average win rate 1 in 5 are successful Past sales win rate Prospects required 25 Number of customers × 5 (need 5 times more prospects than customers) According to this calculation, Company ABC will need to find 25 prospects through the various marketing methods they may employ.

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