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This well loved writer effectively uses his personal mistakes to illustrate riveting truths about repentance and forgiveness. As he focuses on the true authority of God, he is careful to explain by example the important difference between "submission" and "obedience. " The same struggle with divine authority is also represented through the lives of John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, and other biblical figures. An especially helpful book for Christians who want to develop a serious pursuit of God.

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En la parte inferior se debe citar la fuente de la tabla o grafico; lo ideal es q las tablas y gráficos resulten inteligibles por sí mismos, es decir, no dar uso al texto que se describe. Toda tabla o grafico debe contar con al menos una alusión en el texto, normalmente la ilusión se presenta entre paréntesis. Las normas de estilo ASA son ampliamente utilizadas en publicaciones académicas y en requisitos que se exigen a los trabajos de los estudiantes en universidades. Emplear algún tipo de norma es importante para evitar el plagio, además, se desarrolla la capacidad de escribir siguiendo pautas profesionales más exigente.

Harlem Renaissance poet Langston Hughes wrote the poem "Ballad of the Landlord" in 1940, a time of immense discrimination against people of African descent. The poem details an account of a tenant, later found out to be an African American, who is dissatisfied with his rental property. The tenant is politely asking the landlord to make the needed repairs on the realty, but instead the landlord demands to be paid. The tenant refuses to pay the rent, and the police are called after a threat is made towards the landlord. The police arrest the tenant; he is jailed for ninety days with no bail. Langston Hughes 's "Ballad of the Landlord" is a startling poem that underlines the discrimination African Americans had to cope with in the …show more content… Other examples of dialect include the use of the word "ain't" in line 21 and the repeated use of the word "gonna" in lines 14, 15 and 19. These words are not considered proper speech for educated individuals. Further illustrations include the succinct sentences of the police: "Arrest.

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