January 11, 2020 | 2:21pm | Updated January 13, 2020 | 9:46am Enlarge Image Kennedy's watercolor paitning of sailboats on Sheepshead Bay. The Paloger Collection / RR Auction John F. Kennedy was well known for his many passions and talents — but painting the Brooklyn waterfront wasn't one of them. Yet in 1960, during the heat of his presidential campaign against Richard Nixon, he somehow found the time to complete two watercolors of sailboats bobbing on Sheepshead Bay. The paintings, both signed "J. F. K. '60, " are now being offered to the highest bidder in an auction that, along with thousands of other pieces of JFK memorabilia, is expected to draw bids well north of $1 million. "These are really, really special, " said collector Ronnie Paloger, the former New Yorker who owns the collection, from Marina del Rey, California, where he know lives. "Kennedy liked to doodle. The public knew that. But to have actual paintings and they're really good … that's special. " The Massachusetts senator stumped in Brooklyn, not far from the bay, late in his campaign — in September, 1960.

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It was going to be a place were they could go to together at weekends Carl found it a good idea. When the house was completely ready, Linda wanted Carl to go down and see how pretty it was looking. Unfortunately Carl had an important meeting in Paris and he couldn't go to the house. Linda was the next few weeks very angry with Carl. Then, one evening, she didn't come home from work. She phoned Carl that she would stay with her friend Melissa. Carl was angry, but he didn't know what to do. He wanted Linda to come back. On Friday phoned Carl Melissa's house. Carl asked Linda to go to the house by the sea in the weekend so they could talk. Linda said that she would come after her office party that evening and she would meet him in the house. Carl could pick up Linda from the station, when Linda was on the station she could ring up Carl in the pub. For the first time in months Carl left work early and drove to little Moreton. On the way he stopped and bought champagne He arrived and put his bag in the bedroom.

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